"Youth should be radical. Youth should demand change in the world. Youth should not accept the old order if the world is to move on. But the old orders should not be moved easily -- certainly not at the mere whim or behest of youth. There must be clash and if youth hasn't enough force or fervor to produce the clash the world grows stale and stagnant and sour in decay."

-William Allen White


Oct. 20, 2009. Documents obtained by the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. Email exchanges between President Allan Rock and publisher of the Ottawa Citizen Jim Orban reveal how the University of Ottawa controls the media.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Come Stand Up For Free Speech This Friday

M c D o n a l d . H a l l . A u d i t o r i u m
This Friday

The Rock administration is suppressing free speech.

The Rock administration uses the police
to remove students and professors
while giving public presentations.

Come out and help take back our university.
Come out to hear about the corruption.

Education belongs to us.


Anonymous said...

You're not a victim. Stop wasting people's time with your petty problems. If you want to be taken seriously, stop creating chaos and start acting in a professional manner. People don't like spoiled children. Start acting like a man and do something productive with your time. You're not getting anyone's sympathy so please...get (psychological) help or piss off.

Anonymous said...

You plan to trespass again, make your largely baseless arguments again, probably get arrested again, and this is going to accomplish something. You're a small, pathetic boy, Marc Kelly.

"Is Andre Cornellier your father?"

Anonymous said...

When you're eventually arrested and escorted off campus again, please spare us the emails of how you're a martyr. When Allan Rock was a student, he successfully invited John Lennon to the University of Ottawa for a peace conference. What have you done lately?

Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to attend so I can watch Marc "I'm a spamming douchebag" Kelly get arrested in person.

Anonymous said...

So, Marc Kelly, when they arrest you, do they perform full cavity searches? Is that why you get yourself arrested so often?

Anonymous said...

Please stop sending your spam to our U of O inboxes. Nobody wants to hear about your paranoid thoughts on the University's control over its student body. I hope you get arrested tonight and finally get off our campus.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I missed it.
I hope he finally got charged and will leave us all alone.

Anonymous said...

Your email was to funniest shit ive ever red!
someone is a psychopath!
Lol like you were a self proclamed Jebus!
get a friggen life buddy. Go run in front a bus or something atleast them your life would have had a meaning!

Anonymous said...

I assume he didn't get arrested because I didn't receive a spam email from him yet... although he could still be in jail. *crosses fingers*

Has anyone heard if he got arrested?

eNVy said...

Dear Anonymous Bloggers,

I find it interesting that it has been stated many times for Mark Kelly to "get a life" or some phrase with similar meaning, yet you all spend your own time insulting him. Whose life is more pathetic? You claim that you find his emails irritating, yet you wait diligently for the next to arrive, so that you might comment upon it. Have you not thought that by using such coarse language against him you are generating sympathy for his cause? Those who read your posts will only perceive a mass of less-than-wellspoken nameless antagonists "ganging up" (for lack of a more suitable term) on one individual. You are bringing attention to him and to what he stands for. It would much better serve your purpose to simply ignore Mr. Kelly.


- eNVy

Anonymous said...

envy, I think people are more hoping that Kelly will get the message that his emails only bring him more hate, and he will hopefully stop sending them.

Anonymous said...

"envy, I think people are more hoping that Kelly will get the message that his emails only bring him more hate, and he will hopefully stop sending them."

'hopefully'? look at what the U of Ottawa is doing, for example, needlessly arresting people. exactly the reaction that has caused pretty much every student protest in history to just become bigger. clearly eNVy seems to be the better art student here...

Anonymous said...

"exactly the reaction that has caused pretty much every student protest in history to just become bigger. clearly eNVy seems to be the better art student here..."

You giant douch bag if only you were smart enough to get of your little cocoon of stupidity and go inform yourself on the subject.
You would atleast look less stupid, just go to any buddy in physics: it could be profs, grad students, undergrads... the story would the same. The lies and hypocrity Marc knows no boundaries. (that of course not asking the 4 Rancourt disciples)

Before making any comment on the subject you ignorant twit inform yourself. You talk about an art student, I say you make ignorance a friggen science in your case.

Anonymous said...

well maybe some people in the physics department should have read about the history of universities and conflict studies for hints on how to NOT add oil to a fire.

Anonymous said...


Good thing that the Rock administration understood that point and did not bother sending police after Rancourt and Kelly this time around.

Anonymous said...

Ok Mister Anonymous!
then if your sooooooo well informed and all. About you explained to me how the physic department added oil to the fire?

Or are you just another idiot that don't know shit but still claimed to know everything.

Anonymous said...

well as a scientist I understand your need for experimental confirmation so just keep going on that road and see the results for yourself.

at least the University has realized it had better things to do than arrest people for nothing and avoided to bother Cinema Academica last Friday.

Anonymous said...

you didn't answer the question!

it must be because you don't know shit and your claims are based on nothing.
Then you truely are an idiot that don't know F-all.

Anonymous said...

oh just pretend I'm an idiot if it comforts you... I have better things to care about

Anonymous said...

"it must be because you don't know shit and your claims are based on nothing.
Then you truely are an idiot that don't know F-all."

That's a pretty sweet Ad Hominem ya got there. Did'ya get it from Marc Kelly?

Or perhaps Denis Rancourt is correct, and you think this person is a jew so they must be against you.

Anonymous said...

"That's a pretty sweet Ad Hominem ya got there. Did'ya get it from Marc Kelly?

Or perhaps Denis Rancourt is correct, and you think this person is a jew so they must be against you."

That's a pretty sweet ad hominem you have there, thank you for contibuting to the ocean of piss that is internet blog comments.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it when comments turn to hate and insults. It's not nice.

Anonymous said...

Dear marc kelly: stop emailing me. I'm embarassed for the University that you are somehow associated with it.

Anonymous said...

As a supporter of activism and a proponent of critical theories, I would say that I fall under somewhat of the same ideological spectrum as Marc Kelly. However the methods employed by Marc Kelly are deplorable and childish. It makes me wonder if he is more of just an egotist rather than anything close to an activist with a social conscious. Everytime I hear him arguing for 'student rights' it always comes back to his own agenda and his own struggles and run-ins with the institution.

Anonymous said...

for peace related articles pls visit and follow me