"Youth should be radical. Youth should demand change in the world. Youth should not accept the old order if the world is to move on. But the old orders should not be moved easily -- certainly not at the mere whim or behest of youth. There must be clash and if youth hasn't enough force or fervor to produce the clash the world grows stale and stagnant and sour in decay."

-William Allen White


Oct. 20, 2009. Documents obtained by the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. Email exchanges between President Allan Rock and publisher of the Ottawa Citizen Jim Orban reveal how the University of Ottawa controls the media.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vision 1984


Logan Ouellette said...
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Anonymous said...

Your entire group of self-righteous pricks try to make Alan Rock seem like such a terrible guy, and yet you come off as rude, pushy, ignorant jerks. I don't blame him for not wanting to be videotaped 24/7, I don't blame him for being upset when he is interrupted, and I don't blame him for being fed up with the lot of you. I've seen you guys at meetings, and if your parents had taught you some manners, maybe he would be more willing to talk to you.
Also, if you want to be taken seriously at a meeting like the Senate, sit there, wait your turn to talk, and abide by Robert's Rules. Just because you are there and have a question, doesn't mean that there aren't more important things to talk about.

Anonymous said...

If the Scrutiny attempted here had been available for the Blood Scandal under Your President's watch while an MP then he'd probably be in Jail for the Deaths that have occurred while he's now Pensioned off by the people of Canada & families impacted by him have No Mother or Father &/or Grand Dad / Ma

Anonymous said...

wow ... marc kelly you totally screwed up your future by doing this man. No grad school will accept you now because of your brushes with the law and your failure to complete a BSc. That's rather unfortunate ... all to prove a point? I don't think it was worth it, because let's face it: you got only 8% of the votes when you ran for president of the SFUO. Do you really think your voice was heard? I don't think you made a difference.